Pride Talk — Carbohydrates

Mike Crowson
How To Make Perfect Rice 'N Grinds w/ Hunter Labrada

How To Make Perfect Rice 'N Grinds w/ Hunter Labrada

In this week's blog, we're going over Hunter Labrada's "Perfect Rice 'N Grinds" recipe! He has perfected this tried and true technique after consuming thousands of bowls of this stuff (no, he's not kidding).

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Joe Volgey
Carbs 101: The Benefits of Carbohydrates

Carbs 101: The Benefits of Carbohydrates

Eat your carbohydrates. There… I said it. You either want to give me a hug or punch me in the throat for saying that. Depending on what side of the debate you’re on, you should first fully understand the benefits of carbohydrates before you take action after reading that statement. Whoa now! Simmer down. I know you may be a little hesitant to focus on carbohydrates in your nutrition plan. For some reason, carbohydrates were part of cancel culture before cancel culture was even a thing. If you talk about carbohydrates or tell someone that your nutrition plan contains a...

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Joe Volgey
7 Misconceptions About Carbs and Losing Weight

7 Misconceptions About Carbs and Losing Weight

Thanks to the news, carbs have a horrible reputation. If you only watched the news and not the science, you’d think consuming carbs had the same effect as consuming poison. Well, we’re about to debunk some misconceptions about carbs in this article and help you understand why they aren’t the devil they are portrayed to be when it comes to losing weight. 

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Joe Volgey
Carbohydrates: Are They a Hero, Villain, or Simply Misunderstood?

Carbohydrates: Are They a Hero, Villain, or Simply Misunderstood?

Carbohydrates are a macronutrient that many have a love/hate relationship with. For most following the standard American diet, they'll never have an issue achieving their daily requirement of carbohydrates.  When you hear carbohydrates arise in conversations, it generally has a negative connotation. Want to lose weight? What do they recommend? Cutting carbs. But why? Are carbohydrates really that bad, or are they simply misunderstood?   The Hero  When it comes to energy production and replenishing glycogen levels, carbohydrates can be extremely important. For those who are fitness enthusiasts or athletes, carbohydrates are necessary to help your body perform at optimal...

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